MEOW WOLF DENVER: Room 441: The Inner Sanctum of Saint Itized 2017-2021
Over the last several years, I and my dear friend Jody Cross had the pleasure of building a secret occult laundry room hidden behind a secret door inside of MEOW WOLF DENVER. The outer room, a nondescript Laundry Church with parables depicted within the machines, was already established by another team. My job was to tell the hidden and secret truths, the forgotten and apocryphal lore of the laundry church, the Inner Sanctum of Saint Itized!!
The room was created as a series of 17 interconnected panels, then hand painted, covered in laundry tokens and plastic bubbles, and sealed with a thick layer of epoxy resin, giving the installation the wet look one would expect within a soap machine. The designs are all taken from ancient occult systems, but set with commonly used laundry symbols, most likely present on your clothing now at the back of your neck.., |